Friday, November 18th 2022 – online
9.30am – 10.00am Pre-event coffee and chat
10.00am – 11.00am Ruth Graham: University Career Framework
Recent years have seen growing calls for change to how universities reward and recognise academics’ impact and achievement in teaching and learning. With time for discussion and feedback, this session will explore progress made through the global Advancing Teaching network to improve the recognition, reward and evaluation of university teaching. In particular, it will highlight:
• the Career Framework for University Teaching: a tool designed to support and guide career progression on the basis of impact and achievement in teaching and learning;
• systemic changes to academic career pathways and university recognition systems that have been made in practice, both at institutional and national levels;
• a cross-sectional survey being used to capture and track the perceived culture and status of teaching at universities across the world that are preparing for or already implementing systemic reform to their academic reward systems
11.00am – 11.30am Claire Gordon: Supporting education/pedagogic research and scholarship – an update from a HEDG spin-off conversation
Education focused academic career pathways have proliferated across the sector in recent years (Fung and Gordon, 2016; Locke et al, 2016; Smith and Walker, 2022). Yet challenges of parity of esteem and the valuing of the expertise of education focused colleagues persist. In this slot, we will focus on the particular challenges encountered by education focused academics (including educational developers) in developing education/pedagogic scholarship and research skills, report back on an initial discussion on this topic among a sub-set of HEDG members and consider a possible collaborative HEDG initiative to explore further and develop possible approaches to addressing this challenge.
11.30 – 11.45am Coffee break
11.45am – 12.30pm Sam Roseveare: An overview of the higher education policy environment over the next 12 months
Sam Roseveare will give a broad overview of the direction of higher education policy over the next 12 months. He will reflect on the impact of the Truss administration and the potential direction the Labour party might take ahead of a general election.
12.30pm – 1pm HEDG mentoring (Sue Mathieson) and ideas for the HEDG Growth Series 2023 (Isabel Lucas)
1pm – 2pm Lunch Break
2pm – 3pm What is Educational Gain? – for TEF2023 and beyond
• Emily McIntosh, Jackie Potter and Amy Jeffries present briefly to stimulate conversation and reflection on:
• PAST Educational Gain. (i) Articulating EG ambitions for students; (ii) credible approaches to delivering EG; and (iii) evidencing the delivery of EG.
• FUTURE Educational Gain. What can be done now to lay the foundations for future measures and evidence of EG?
3pm Final Thoughts and Close