Friday 7th March 2025
9.30am – 3pm – online
This event is free and you can register on the HEDG Eventbrite page.
The theme will focus on Facing the Future of Academic Development in HE and we aim to create time and space for colleagues to reflect on the role Academic Development has played in advancing the sector over HEDG’s 30 year history, and the role we have to play in securing the future of transformational HE (Lawrence et al, 2022), and the professional and personal well-being of our learning community (Lawrence & Herrick, 2020). We’ll consider how we can strategise for greater engagement in Academic Development within our institutions, evidence the value we add and lobby our Governors and SMTs to invest in our teams. We’ll consider what we need as senior leaders to fortify ourselves to lead with vigour, and love, when we may be ourselves depleted (Lawrence, 2024).
The AGM will also be taking place within the March event and the draft programme can be found below and the link will be sent shortly before the date:
HEDG Spring Meeting & AGM, Friday 7th March 2025 – Draft Programme
09.30 Welcome and introduction, Professor Isabel Lucas, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine & Dr Paul Chin, University of Bath
09.45 What’s on top? Dr Emily Macintosh
10.45 Comfort Break
11.00 Higher Education Futures, Sian Bayne, Director, Centre for Research in Digital Education and Assistant Principal Education Futures, University of Edinburgh
12.00 AGM
12.30 Lunch break and conversation
13.00 Devising Academic Development Strategies within our institutions
13:45 Comfort Break
14.00 In Conversation with Professor Dilly Fung, Former Pro-Director (Vice President) for Student Education, LSE.
Former PVC perspective on the future of academic development with Dr Claire Gordon, Director, LSE Eden Centre for Education Enhancement
14.45 Looking ahead to 2025: HEDG 30th Anniversary, Dr Paul Chin, University of Bath & Professor Isabel Lucas, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
15.00 Close
Final agenda to be confirmed shortly