Winterbourne House, University of Birmingham, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th June 2016
Day 1: Thursday 16th June
1230 Registration (Jekyll Room)
1300 Lunch (Coffee 1)
1400 Welcome and Networking
Mandy Asghar (York St John University)
1430 Special Projects
Learning gain, TEF, GPA, external examining
Geoff Stoakes (Higher Education Authority)
1530 Tea break (Coffee 1)
1600 Research Projects
Improving transition from school/college to university
Fiona Denney (Brunel University London)
University wide strategic review
Penny Sweasey (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Evaluating institutional curriculum change
Liz Cleaver (University of Hull)
1700 What’s on Top? Identifying topics for Friday’s session
1800 Close – Day 1
1830 Meet for drinks in the bar
1915 Dinner (Park Restaurant, Lucas House)
Day 2: Friday 17th June
0900 Tea and Coffee (Coffee 1)
0930-1300 Discussion session: In light of the current changing HE context and our anticipation of further detail about TEF etc. we have decided to leave this session flexible to accommodate opportunity for discussion.
Writing Retreat: bring some writing and take some time in a supportive and dedicated time and space to work on it. We will try to arrange dedicated spaces for different groups (e.g. PFHEA applications) if numbers are enough.
1130 Coffee Break (Coffee 1)
1300 Lunch and Close (Coffee 1)